BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, August 8, 2015

33 Weeks

Symptoms: Aching body. I over do it some days and I don't stop when I feel a little pain in my lower back...well...before I know it that pain is an even bigger pain. Not like a stabbing pain but a tense pain that prevents me from walking. So I spent Thursday in bed on the heating pad again, but thankfully this time around we have an air conditioner!! Thank you Aunt Laura!!! You are a life saver! I'm just getting to that point in pregnancy where being pregnant isn't all that it's cracked up to be but I find some humor in it as well. She's getting squished in there and lets me know it, too. She tells me she doesn't like me laying on my left side because she moves and squirms a lot when I right side it is. She's also a little sly one because she only moves when I'm not looking. She will immediately stop when I look down at my belly. How does she know I'm looking!!?? We'll have to keep a watchful eye on her when she comes. Also...pregnancy brain is really starting to sink in. I forget the names of things all the time! I can picture it but, for instance, the word 'stroller' did not come to me until I pictured an image of a stroller for like 2 minutes.  

Cravings/Aversions: Those have kind of gone away. I don't really eat as healthy as I should all the time and I find it difficult to get the recommended amount of protein in my diet but I'm enjoying making dinners and experimenting with recipes. I made some fantastic chicken curry last night and I got a bread maker and was able to make some okay honey white bread. I think I have to manually time it, though, because the crust was a bit too crusty but the inside was fluffy and white. Not sure it will work with sandwich bread but I'll have to experiment with it. I miss my Bosch. I really should try and get it fixed. Plus with a Bosch you can make up to 4 loaves of bread, not just one! Also, I'm enjoying raw oatmeal with milk and brown sugar in the morning. Maybe I'm just too lazy to cook it. But it tastes really good and I like the chewiness of it.

Best Moment(s) of the Week: I already posted the picture on Facebook but getting more of the baby room done, finding a wingback chair for $5.99 at the Goodwill, and finding a Graco Duetsoothe Rocker and Swing for a way good deal on craigslist. Those things new cost $180!! I got it for $40. The lady I bought it from was this kind of eclectic old grandma who owns a sports convertible and she was just cracking me up the entire time we were trying to disassemble the swing so I could put it in my car. When we were having difficulty with a part she said, "swearing usually helps," and then goes on to say that she heard her little 2 year old grandson practice all different ways of saying "what the heck(the other word)" and was flabbergasted that he knew that phrase. Thinking he learned it from his dad she was sitting at the computer one day saying that phrase and it dawned on her that her grandson learned it from her!! Be careful what you say around kids! Anyways, besides a little bit of crustiness she was one of the nicest old ladies I have ever met.

Our little girl is getting bigger each day! John says some days I just pop out like crazy...thanks! I know my clothes tell me that and the stretch marks that are just now showing up tell me that, too. =) She is about the size of a durian...not sure what that is but we'll go with it.

  • She's keeping her eyes open while awake.
  • She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
  • Her bones are hardening.
  • And she's going through (more) major brain development — that's one smart baby!
HAWAII next week! I'm much more calm about it then I was last week, thankfully. I'll just get a pedicure and enjoy the beach.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

32 Weeks Debbie Downer Post

This is not a positive post but I just need to write it!

I know I just posted a few days ago about being 31 weeks but technically today is officially being 32 weeks pregnant. I have to be honest and say it's been a miserable week. It's been so hot and every effort to cool down the house without AC has been pointless and unfortunately the only food we have in the house right now requires some sort of heat to cook, unless you count pudding and cereal. I've also had some weird things happen to my back. For the past several days I've had this knot in my upper right shoulder blade area that makes it uncomfortable to turn my neck and do my yoga and sleep at night on top of all the normal things that make pregnancy and sleep uncomfortable. I got a birthing ball to help with my hypnobabies birthing program and I might have overused it my first day. I woke up in the middle of the night having to have John help me to get to the bathroom because I could not move. When he went to work and it was still super early I had to crawl to the bathroom. Might be needing a cane if that happens again... I did some hypnosis techniques that help with pain and that really helped me relax my muscles enough to get back to my bed and use the heating pad. (Heating pad in this heat, though, SUCKS!!!!) Thankfully the next day my lower back stiffness was gone but I've still got something in my upper back. Also...breathing is a joke. To make it cool enough to sleep in our bedroom we have to put the fan on..but that dries everything out in my throat and my nose which makes it vulnerable to bloody yay....

This whole staying at home thing kinda drives me insane, as well. Sure it was nice at the beginning of the summer to take a break because this year was so crazy with teaching (I am SO thankful it's over!) but when the only time I can do something is from 6-9am or super late at night because of the heat it makes it hard. I just end up sitting on the couch in a blob-like state binge watching on Lifetime movies and Netflix. I'm running out of appropriate shows to watch on Netflix. I've tried out a few recommended shows from friends or ones that are highly reviewed but they end up being inappropriate or way too violent. I want to practice my cello but that means sweating it out like crazy and I know it's a little too early and/or too late when it's not hot outside and inside. I really miss my cello!!!

So John's family and I are going to Hawaii in 14 days..I really want to be excited to go but I am not. I just don't want to be miserable like I am now and it's only more hot and humid and more $$$ spending there than it is here...and there is no AC in the house we're staying at there. I want to have a positive attitude about it but it's been very difficult for me. And I'm going to be honest..I don't have a lot of clothes that would be comfortable to wear there. I ordered 2 swimsuits off of ebay and I'm hoping they fit. I wish I could go without garments and just wear tank tops and shorts because that would feel amazing..but shorts are hard to find because Seibel girls, when we're pregnant, gain all our weight in our behinds and shorts either fit me in the waist and are too big in the bum area, or they fit me in the bum and are super unflattering and immodest. I also pray that she does not come early and in Hawaii because do you know how expensive that would be? So prayers for her to stay in...I think she will because there has not been any complications so far. A couple of positive things about Hawaii that I am looking forward to is the beach (it's literally right across the street from where we are staying) and a mani/pedi. I can't wait to get my toesies all cute!

Sooo. Symptoms this week include super poor attitude due to the heat and John working very late hours because his work has the inability to schedule deliveries appropriately.

Best Moment(s) of the Week:  Anytime spent with John has been the highlight of my week. Also finding out that our baby is facing the right position. That was a relief because I was super curious and worried about it.

Cravings/Averisions: I think chocolate chips give me heartburn...all the more reason to eat healthier but sadly that did not stop me from making chocolate chip banana bread today (and using the oven...why did I do that???)

Our Little Caterpie is as big as a squash

  • She's in the head down position getting ready for descent
  • She is also feeling more cramped...yeah...I feel that way too!