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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Week 22

Symptoms: This week I've been trying to get out more and enjoy this beautiful weather! It was raining for the past couple weeks which I guess that's preparing me for Washington weather but it's been kinda depressing. Even so I tried to go out on walks. And then finally the sub came out. Whenever I feel a little cruddy I go on a walk and that feeling goes away. I know I write about yoga each week but I seriously have fallen in love with it. I feel it helps me feel more spiritually connected. I'm not humming and praising Buddha..haha no. It puts my mind at ease and gets me in the right mindset to pray to my Heavenly Father. I found a great yoga video which brings my heart rate up and does some poses that other videos haven't. My favorite is downward dog. It really stretches my calves and helps with my plantar fasciitis which has gone down since school has gotten out. The main symptom I feel is that when I wake up I feel like my blood is just not flowing well through my body. It's especially bad when I wake up startled in the middle of the night.

Don't remember....

Best moment(s) of the week: Our street has a lot of cats and there's this black cat that I swear has the most constipated meow. We've tried to chase it away so it won't wake us up at 4:30am. I think it's getting the picture. We also have this Siamese mix cat that likes to hang around. She is so sweet. I think it's funny that just before we moved out of our trailer there was a kitten who got attached to us and now that we're moving out of our apartment there's another cat who has become attached to us. I like to think of it as our good luck charm.            

Our little girl is growing! At 22 weeks she is about the size of a papaya. 
•has more developed eyelids and lips. So cute!! 
•is on a sleep cycle about 12-14 hours a day

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