BabyFetus Ticker

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

31 Weeks

How time has flown! We finally found a place to live--this cute duplex in Tacoma. It's next to a middle school that has a track where I take my walks. It also has a fireplace! Way cool, huh? John and I have enjoyed building it into a home. The baby room is almost set up...I bought a crib and bookcase but I didn't realize the crib is a drop side. It is, though, made from a high quality wood with metal sliders and no plastic parts (which are the ones that created the recall and banning issues), so I really just have to decide if I want it. I can also not use the drop side and put the other side against the wall. The baby room is inspired by giraffes and lots of fun color (pink, light blue, teal, orange, green).

Symptoms: TIRED! Fatigue has set in and right now she likes to jam her bum and legs into my big deal. And super weird dreams with frequent trips to the bathroom at night...all normal stuff. I went to the ENT and found out that it is not a nasal polyp but some other big scientificy word. But basically it will not go away at least until after I'm pregnant and if not then I have to get surgery to get it removed. JOOOOYYY!! But I found out that if I wear a nose expander thingy and a Breathe Right strip on my nose then I can at least breath through my nose for most of the night.

Cravings/Aversions: I LOVE SUGAR!!! But I try to limit I'm eating snickerdoodles hot out of the oven right now. But John and I have found some good meals to get much needed protein in my diet. I normally gag down eggs but have found egg mcmuffins to be delicious. Also, a rice, bean, and kale dish that was super good. Last night, we made cauliflower pizza crust pizza. It was not that bad. The key to the crust is to make sure you ring out all the water in a cloth napkin or towel. I like being able to make my own food and use the kitchen again!

Best Moment(s) of the Week: Getting settled!!

Our Little Caterpie is the size of a pineapple (which I will be able to eat fresh pineapple IN Hawaii in just 18 days!)
  • She's going through major brain and nerve development.
  • Eye development, too. Her irises now react to light!
  • All five of her senses are in working order.
Baby bump pic to come!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

28 Weeks

It's been just too crazy to write but that's not that great of an excuse since I spend most days sleeping. Can't believe, though, that I'm 28 weeks! When did I get so far along? Moving to Washington has not gone as expected; it's been a trial of patience and courage. I thought for sure by now we'd have a place to live but maybe I'm picky...maybe not. We did a ton of apartment searching in Kent and Auburn near John's work and places were either too expensive, way too small (1 bedroom where we probably wouldn't even fit our bed in the bedroom), or just icky at our price range. We did have one place lined up but it fell through due to way too crazy of a day. That was several weeks ago and they wanted an answer right away. That was the day that our tire blew out as John was headed to work and my phone broke. My in-laws and I were running around all day trying to get not only our car fixed but both of theirs as well. But, I'm kind of maybe a little glad we didn't get that place. I would not have been able to teach cello at all and it was seriously right next to the interstate. VERY LOUD! We've expanded our search to not only Kent and Auburn but other towns as's been semi-successful. We found a duplex in Puyallup that was seriously trashed (the guy had a total breakdown and took an ax to the wall....)but had good bones. It would be ready in two weeks if they accept our application over another persons.. I personally think we would make better tenants and plus we can bring the Spirit into the home (not that that matters to a property management company but this place needed it). Thank goodness for the blessings of the Priesthood. Maybe I'm just looking for a diamond in the rough.

Symptoms: Sleepiness, I'm getting to that stage where sleeping is just uncomfortable. I toss and turn trying to find a position that's comfortable enough to drift off. I have found the source of my nosebleeds, too. I've had some pretty bad ones and I finally decided to follow my father-in-law's advice and put some petroleum jelly in my nose to keep it moist and not so dry. My nosebleeds were less frequent and some scabs dissipated. Turns out...I have a huge blockage in my nose...what looks to be a nasal polyp. Uh..nasty. Thankfully, I was able to go to Urgent Care and get an appointment with an ENT this week. They gave me some flonase and we'll see what the ENT says. It's so hard to breath sometimes and breathing through my mouth gets tiresome and annoying. I wake up in the middle of the night super thirsty on top of having to go to the's not pleasant. 

Cravings/Aversions: It's difficult to say because I've started to regulate my diet to guidelines my midwife and my birthing class has given me. It's so frickin hard to get 80 grams of protein in the day when you're not a big fan of eggs. It's getting better, though. I'm able to eat eggs as long as I have something with it.We found this Hawaiian restaurant that serves some dang good saimen--Hawaiian ramen. With egg it is delicious! Also, my mother in law makes good deviled eggs. YUM! I also like oatmeal with peanut butter, apples, and cinnamon, Cottage cheese is a favorite of mine, too. But nuts are so hard to eat, so are beans. I don't know if it was an aversion as much as it was just eating too much but chocolate has become harder to eat. It gives me a strange feeling in my stomach so I'm careful with how much I consume. But that doesn't stop me from eating too many sweets. =( 

Best Moment(s) of the Week: I've got to say this weekend was pretty fantastic, minus Fourth of July celebrations. I loved that John had 4 days off! It was so good to spend time with him, even though he spent a lot of that time finishing homework. His work schedule has been so crazy and he's worked some long hours. Good for income but he has been worn out. These past 4 days have given him a chance to recharge. The company is also thinking of putting him second in command! I knew he was good and stood a chance to get promoted but I didn't think it would be this soon. Let's hope everything works out. My husband works so hard. I am a proud wifey!

Our little girl is getting so big--so is my bump! I wish I had taken some pictures on the Fourth of July because I looked super cute in my red, white, and blue get up. I even curled my hair and did my nails and everything. But I spent the majority of the day feeling pretty crappy. She is now as big as an eggplant.

  • She's starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow! But I'd like her to stay inside.
She kicks a lot and is very active! It's so neat. I have really got to take some pictures of my bump! I'll be sure to dress cute today and get a picture.