BabyFetus Ticker

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Sweet Tender Moment

I'm writing this for fear that years down the road I will forget a moment that I desperately want to hold on to. My daughter has been teething and has not been taking long naps. I know she is tired and wants her Mommy. Today after one of her short afternoon naps I decided to get her and take her to the bed in her nursery. I let her nurse and there she fell back asleep in the warmth and stillness of the dim lit room and in my arms. We slept there for 40 minutes and she eventually fell asleep on her stomach. I stared at in amazement. Our daughter is wonderful, pure, innocent. She would wake up for a few moments only to happily coo and fall back asleep. I could tell that she was enjoying this time with Mommy as well. We could hear Daddy get ready for work outside and so we woke up and lied there smiling at each other. I called John in and we were able to have our goodbye kisses. It was a sweet moment.

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