BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 12

Symptoms: I am living day to day and during week 12 I have been living minute by minute most days. It's been a stressful several weeks preparing the music department to go to Disneyland plus 2 concerts (1 being the big high school music department concert which was 2 hours). It's no help that the kids just want a break, too. I can maybe count 2 days that I did not throw up in the morning. I'm just super tired all the time and I feel like crying or just whimpering for no reason. On Monday I received a nasty email from one of colleagues that made me cry and my girls in women's choir were super supportive as I just blubbered my way through a half-baked lesson even though our concert was the next day. I feel like a big baby when it happens. AND the secretary happened to walk in my room AGAIN while I was crying. I just felt pathetic.  On Friday, I came home exhausted and could barely move. On Saturday, though, I had energy to clean the entire house with John's help, and go out shopping for over 4 hours. I felt awesome!! I bought 2 pretty new dresses from Ross that will work well with my growing belly. But what I was really looking for were some nice Chacos for the upcoming Disneyland trip this next week. I told myself, "Hey, you're pregnant! You're not going to be able to enjoy most of the rides, and you're going to be there from 8am-12am against your're going to buy yourself some nice comfortable shoes." I finally did find some after searching and searching and I have them on hold until Monday. I've never spent so much money on one pair of shoes before but I feel like they will be a good investment and will be my go to shoe in the coming months.

Cravings/Aversions: mmmm Jelly Beans...short lived though..fruits, tuna fish sandwiches (I haven't had them in over a year and suddenly they sound amazing! They are packed with protein!), Great Harvest pumpkin chocolate chip bread.

Best Moment(s) of the Weeks: Hearing our little caterpie's heartbeat at my 12 week appointment on Wednesday. I so wanted an ultrasound but I guess you don't get those until 20 weeks. But it was amazing to hear life in me and this huge wave of love rushed over me.

Our Little Caterpie is the size of a plum, or
  • Most of Caterpie's critical systems are fully formed!
  • He or she is about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
  • He or she is now developing her reflexes — if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
  • He or she is opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
  • His or her brain is developing fast!

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