BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, April 18, 2015

16 Weeks

Symptoms: I would write about week 15 but while I was writing about it last week my memory failed me...I guess I'm getting to that point in my pregnancy where everything seems to slip from my mind. This week I forgot that I was supposed to judge the middle school choir. They were having a mini festival during their hour and I totally forgot. I felt terrible. I do have more energy compared to weeks past (I even have done my makeup, my skin is starting to look way better! I don't even have to put blush on) and I've only gotten morning sickness once! Yippee!! On Monday, though, my body just did not want any food. The only thing I could eat was chicken noodle soup (Progresso 99% Fat Free Chicken Noodle Soup is the way to go as far as canned chicken noodle soups go. I did some research on it) I think it was because on Sunday I ate sooo much delicious balsamic pork at my sister's house. We had a birthday party for my niece and then dinner afterwards. Oh my goodness it was the most delicious pork I have ever had! I probably had like 5 servings of it along with 5 homemade crescent rolls. Another symptom of the week is that I'm starting to get some signs of depression. I have always struggled with depression but it has really been under control and well this school year up until now. With the depression comes extreme moodiness. I know it's the hormones doing a lot of the work so I talked to my midwife about it and she said to wait a couple weeks then see how I was doing. Yesterday was the first time I really felt sooo big, I mean I'm only 16 weeks and everyone says that I don't even look pregnant but man, yesterday, maybe I was just super bloated but I felt like a blimp.

Cravings/Aversions: Yesterday, I had a hankering for red vines and some York peppermint patties.Still loving fruit. I got a delicious cantaloupe this week and I have been loving it! Also, in my piano class some of my students are working on a song called "Rootbeer, Rootbeer, I Love You" and I just couldn't get it out of my brain how good rootbeer sounded. I maybe had it twice this week and I rarely drink soda. Bagels and cream cheese seem to be the go to meal I eat in the morning. Not news but pancakes are disgusting. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich and I could not finish the whole thing. My 6th graders sometimes get candy from the bus driver who buses them over and that candy smell is just way too overwhelming. I feel bad when I tell them to throw it away or put it away. 

Best Moment(s) of the Week: Sunday was definitely the best moment of this week. We went down to Utah to celebrate my niece's birthday. The whole family was there. It's been awhile since my family was all together and especially with Melissa and Matt moving to Texas and John and me moving Washington it will be awhile til we all get together again. I wish we could have stayed longer because it was just a short day trip. I enjoyed Emily and Julie playing duets and Dad playing his banjo. For fun, Emily performed the gender-revealing pencil test on me and it said we're having a girl. Who knows??? We'll find out on May 12th for sure. John has always thought he would have a girl first so we'll see if that rings true. We also received a gift from my mom--a beautiful ragtime quilt. My mom is so talented and we absolutely love the quilt. 

I guess it was last week but seeing this when I was teaching one of my private cello you think he'll become a luthier??? He made it for his other cellist friend for his birthday!! What 7th grader does that??? So cool! These two boys are also the ones who come up with new seating charts for orchestra (I don't use them, though) and come up with presentations for their other classes on marching orchestras. I am going to miss them so much!!

Our Little Caterpie is about the size of an avocado
  • He or she can hear my voice and is listening to it already =) because of the tiny bones that are forming in it's ears
  • Hair, lashes, and eyebrows are growing
  • As well as taste buds
My next appointment we get the 20 week ultrasound!! I am so excited! I can't wait!

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