BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 10 Here Come the Trials!

What a week it's been. I can't believe February is over tomorrow. Now, normally one would say that because it went by so fast..nuh uh. February seemed to never. end. It's been a hard month and I'm thankful for a March that will hopefully go by fast. I had a roommate once say that trials come in three. Well...I guess they did this month but doubled.

First came that awful breakdown several weeks ago with a student, then last Thursday was just a day of "I'm done!!!", then this week I ended up yelling at a parent (yikes! These pregnancy hormones are starting to get the better of me. Thankfully we resolved it and we didn't have to get administration involved), we got a notice from a debt collector on a stupid Old Navy card we had cancelled forever ago and had paid off (never ever get a card that deals with Synchrony Bank--ie Gap, Old Navy, Victoria Secret, etc etc--I've had my fair share of problems with them), and then this Thursday my principal decides to come in the last 10 minutes of class to do a short classroom walkthrough which didn't go so well because we worked our butts off for 80 minutes of the 90 minute class period. I normally take a break in between but decided to take it at the end that day. He said the students had low commitment and there was a negative learning culture...whatever. During the 10 minute nutrition break I started crying and panicking and didn't stop for 40 orchestra students are so amazing and understanding. One of them took over and told me to take as much time as I needed...but I still feel that kind of thing shouldn't happen. I was so embarrassed. I shouldn't be rendered useless by how certain people perceive me and I them....ok....well I want to say more things but during a blessing that John gave me that night I was given the counsel to see my principal as Christ would see him. It's going to be a challenge but I'm going to give it my best.

So you can say my first big symptom of the week is HOLY HORMONES!!!!

Symptoms: hormones in full swing, super tired, low energy, nausea, hungry, super thirsty but I can't drink a lot of water (any tips out there for getting enough fluids, plus water sometimes tastes disgusting), burping....I'm really getting sick of burping, coughing too.

Cravings/Aversions: fruits and veggies--strawberries, grapes, apples, carrots, brocolli, celery, yummy! It's probably why I've lost 5 pounds since getting pregnant...not wanting so much junk food. Although because of such a hard week I thought it would be okay to get me some oreos...nope..not ok. If you know me I LOVE oreos. I did eat them but let's just say there's still some left in my office at the middle school and I totally regretted every one of them. (1. they aren't here at home, 2. they're not even gone yet! 3. MIRACLE!) Yesterday John mentioned getting Japanese food. There are a couple places in town, we decided on Blue Hashi. Believe it or not there are some sushi that's safe for pregnant women--I asked. Of course, it has to be fully cooked. I had a roll called the Geisha--avocado, crab, cream cheese, tempura shrimp, unagi, and cucumber rolled in tempura flakes and topped with sweet soy. It also came with 2 cooked unagi sashimi. Unagi is eel and it is actually really good. John had pork tonkatsu which I tried one bite of and it was clear my taste buds hated it.

Best Moment(s) of the Week: Being with my middle schoolers. As loud and crazy as they are sometimes they make me laugh. One came up to me and said, "I learned something the other day... someone actually took the time to write out a viola concerto?! And it was famous!" young in his orchestra life and he gets viola jokes. And then yesterday I was wearing a green plaid button down with my hair up in a two day old bun. One of my students came in complimenting my hair, and the next student to come in said, "Mrs. Davis! You look like a leprechaun!" He meant it as a compliment. Haha. Love them. And then one of my violists who gives me a hard time was actually very respectful this week. That always makes my day.

Also finally going to see Meet the Mormons. On Sunday we went to the Idaho Falls Temple Visitor's Center and watched it. I also met the grandparents of a former student.

Our Little Caterpie is the size of a kumquat about 1.22 inches

  • Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
  • Her or his vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
  • Her or his fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
  • Plus, she or he's swallowing and kicking in there. (Can you believe it?!)
Neighbor update: We do have new neighbors and it's a mom and her 2 girls. They seem really nice. She moved from Shelley. We took some cookies over the other day and introduced ourselves. She has her hands full with those girls. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

9 weeks

Symptoms: sluggish (naps every day after school from 20 minutes up to 4 hours), unmotivated (it's very difficult to get up and go to work--props to all you working mom-to-be out there), nausea, bursts of hunger, extremely thirsty, sore feet and upper back, lots of sneezing, moody. More a keen to smells. Last night we went to a baptism and the smell of baked cookies in the building was overwhelmingly delicious but no one else seemed to smell it and John looked...there were no cookies. =(

Cravings/Aversions: I actually ate my entire burrito from Costa Vida last night. I was so hungry! Cornbread, gingersnaps, Starbursts, salad, apples, fruit bowls (good thing I'm craving some healthy foods!). Still can't stand the thought of eggs or pancakes.

Best Moment(s) of the Week: On Wednesday I had my first prenatal appointment and ultrasound. I was so thankful John didn't have to work that day and that he could accompany me. I was really nervous. What if nothing was there? What if it were twins? These were questions that took over my thoughts. But after getting rushed to take the ultrasound, seriously I could barely understand what the technician wanted me to do but somehow I followed all her instructions, I was relieved to find that we are having one baby, and by the looks of it and the heartbeat, it's a healthy baby!

I've also been in a weird funk all week. Maybe it's because I had Monday off, and Wednesday morning off. But it's been really hard to get out of. Since I didn't work out a lot (actually...besides show choir choreography...I never worked out) before getting pregnant I can't do strenuous things. Today, though, I finally did some working out besides a short walk. I did some yoga! I absolutely love Yoga with Adrienne videos on YouTube. She makes it simple and fun for beginners and it's safe for me to do. There are also some free yoga and swim classes for pregos like me in the community, so I would hope to eventually check those out.

Our Little Caterpie (pr. cat-er-pea) is the size of a gummy bear, or a grape at week 9:

  • This is a milestone, our little one is no longer an embryo but now a fetus
  • Developing more distinct facial features, and all the organs and muscles and nerves are kicking into gear
  • Heartbeat can be heard
Like I mentioned before, Wednesday was my first ultrasound. It was so exciting to finally have this become a reality! Here's an ultrasound picture: 
Just a little gummy bear now =)

On Thursday, though, I threw up for the first time. It was not pleasant and made me not want go to school. I was already running late to work and just had to get it out before leaving. Thankfully it didn't happen during work! By now, though, all my students and principals know that I'm expecting and it makes me feel more at ease. But, is it bad that I'm just counting down the days til summer comes?? 

Apparently we have new neighbors....maybe...John and I think they're squatters...just kidding. We only think that because they showed up out of nowhere and neither of us saw a moving van. I haven't seen them either but I hear them and their car is parked outside. The husband (we think) is fixing up the place because we hear a lot of hammering and banging, and there's a wife and a toddler who cries and whines...a lot! Must be going through some terrible twos. That will be my life sooner than later. Haha.......Update: John just came back from Martial Arts and informed me that he saw them this morning...he said that there was two or three kids. That would make so much more sense due to the quantity of whining we hear. It's not just one! Bless her. We really need to introduce ourselves.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


As I was developing this blog I couldn't think of a good title for it. I didn't want to use bebibobaby--even though I think that's super cute, and I wanted a part of John in it. John, being the sort of Japanese geek that he is, suggested caterpie...I didn't even know what it was--I had to look it up. ..It's a kinda looks like what's growing inside of me right now so I went with it. A pokemon apparently has an evolutionary line. Caterpies go from their larvae like state, to a metapod, and end up being a butterfree...I had to look this up.

If anything....the name sounds way cuter than what it actually is.

8 weeks

Symptoms: extremely tired, very gassy, more nauseated then last week but not yet thrown up! YAY!, diarrhea, I can feel my stomach muscles stretching, sore feet. Am I being too detailed in this? 

Cravings/aversions: soup (but everything turns out to be way too salty--eck...), Wheat Thins, Subway, ice cream sandwiches. Aversions to eggs and pancakes. 

Best moment(s) of the week: Having John take care of me today. He is such a blessing in my life. He didn't bother me at all while I slept the day away. I seriously slept the majority of the day. John also took me for a drive towards the Palisades. He drives there so often for work so I knew he didn't want to drive today but he did it anyways because he knew that I just wanted to get out and enjoy some nature. We only drove 30 minutes away from Idaho Falls which didn't get us very far but we were able to walk around a rest stop with some great views of the canyon. I should have taken some pictures. 

Our Little Caterpie is the size of a raspberry (all these fruit references make me want fresh fruit!): at week 8

  • I can't feel it yet, but he or she's moving those arms and legs like crazy! 
  • Our baby's fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and their tail (yes, it had one) is gone. 
  • Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.

Well, this week has turned out to be very interesting. On Tuesday, I came in a little burpy and icky to Bel Cantos. I had them all gathered in a circle to sing instead of their normal rows. They kept giving each other smiles and faces which I totally caught on what they were thinking. I didn't confirm their thoughts then, though. During a break, one of the girls had the guts to say, "Mrs. Davis. I wanted you to know why everyone is acting like this. They think you're pregnant." Like I said before, I cannot keep a secret. So I told them I was indeed pregnant but not to tell anyone yet because it was too early to. That changed quickly. On Wednesday there was a really unfortunate incident that I will not go into detail about but it left me super rattled and emotional. I had to go the restroom and Lisa (the high school secretary) happened to be there and I just starting balling about what had happened and let out that I was pregnant. She comforted me and said, "Welcome to the wonderful time of not being able to control your emotions." She later told my principal what had happened. Earlier I went in to see him to talk about the incident as well as go over my teacher evaluation. He congratulated me and went over some details on whether or not I was staying next year. I wasn't ready to tell him yet that we are moving to Washington. It was just too much for me in one day. But the evaluation went well! Anyways. I knew the word was going to spread quickly. People in Shelley being a small town and all. So I just let it out and let my middle schoolers and my 6th graders know. They were all super excited. A few said, "I knew it! Like three weeks ago!" Perceptive little buggers. Anyways. I told my Hobbs principal, but I haven't yet told the Stuart principal even though I am sure he has heard. 

On a different note and totally nonpregnancy related, the Idaho Falls Symphony performed their Cirque de la Symphonie concert this Friday and Saturday. We had acrobats and aerial performers perform while we played. It was an incredible experience! We played many exotic and a couple fun movie themes (Harry Potter and Hook). Our first performance was a Friday matinee where we performed for 1900 elementary kids. I have never performed for a more enthusiastic crowd. During the Hook theme there was a aerial silk performer who flew around the stage. There's this one part where the music swells restating the theme again at the end and he flies even higher than before and the kids were screaming! It made me want to cry (if I wasn't pregnant it would still make me want to cry). For me this is a performance I will always remember. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 7..and 2 days

Monday, February 9, 2015

Symptoms: tired, nauseous, very gassy (I know I burp more than I should normally but now it’s just ridiculous), thirsty but hard to drink a lot of water because I feel so gassy. Hungry out of nowhere.

Cravings: Pickles ( cliché), Kit Kats, baked potato with sour cream, bacon, cheese, and butter. The other night I could not sleep because I was so hungry. I really wanted to make chicken divan but it would take 30 minutes to bake not to mention how much time it would take to prepare it.  I made a potato instead and satisfied my chicken divan craving the next day. Mostly I have food aversions. I couldn't eat my banana yesterday at all and the tacos we had made a couple days ago...forget about them...they smell deee-gusting. 

Our Little Caterpie is as big as a blueberry: at week 7
  • She's generating about one hundred new brain cells each minute!
  • Not only is her brain becoming more complex, but her heart is too.
  • Also important: She's developing a permanent set of kidneys
  • Her arm and leg joints are now forming.

 Your .51-inch embryo doesn't exactly tip the scales just yet but she's developing like crazy. She's already doubled in size since last week

I am 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I have some nausea and as well as just overall crumminess. I feel every morning is a push to get up. On Sunday I woke up the worst I have felt yet. I thankfully have not thrown up at all but I think that’s because I have some will power not to. Also on Sunday I was in one of those coma sleeps with some freaky weird dreams that made no sense. But, thankfully, the Lord has answered prayers so far to keep the nausea at bay during work.

I really do want to tell my students but know it’s way too soon to. One day I came in and they asked if I was sick. I told them I felt like I was hit by a bus. Another time, while teaching choreography and getting observed by my principal(gah! He makes me nervous!) I got super tired and had to catch my breath. They asked if I was okay. I knew there were comments on my evaluation that wouldn’t have been there if I was not pregnant. I’m also wondering when to tell my 3 bosses! That’s the only thing about this. I have to tell so many people over me.

While teaching my 6th graders on Friday I got so frustrated and fed up with how they were playing (awful and 4 of them forgot their instruments…which didn’t put me in a good mood). With 10 minutes to go I just gave up with them, told them that I was disappointed with how they were performing that day, that our hard work this week seemed worthless (crazy hormones having me say mean things…breaks my heart now to think about it), and I told them to pack up and study their notes. They knew something was up but I wasn’t going to tell them. At the end of class I noticed some rustling about in the students. I thought they were just getting antsy to get out of class. That may have been partly true but what I got was a letter that they had all signed saying, “Sorry you’re having such a bad day. We will try harder on Monday.” They gave it to me and my heart just melted. I told them, “You guys! I’m supposed to be mad at you!” As much as they sometimes drive me up the wall they are the sweetest, kindest kids. I really can’t wait to tell them! I’m just sad they won’t get to see this little caterpie.

John has been wonderful in helping out with those difficult mornings. He will get me things from the store if I’m craving them. Comfort me when I can't eat cookie dough....sad day. And he will bring me crackers or water in the morning. It’s amazing how much my love for him has grown even more in the past few weeks. It’s also so mind boggling to think that we are going to be raising a child together. This is such a new and exciting adventure in our lives!

Whaaaa??? Week 4

Saturday, January 17 

John and I have been trying off and on since March last year to get pregnant. A part of me was wanting it so bad right away while the other part of me was thinking it was probably not the best time because it would be so difficult to have a baby in the middle of the school year. So today as John was at martial arts and I was going about doing errands I knew that I just had to get a pregnancy test. I had received so many negative test results but I thought it was worth a shot. I had felt a little crampy like my period was about to start so I wasn't sure if I was really actually pregnant. I had also been to the ob-gyn earlier this week. So I was at ShopKo and bought the box with three tests just in case. I picked John up after running a few more errands (Walgreen’s is super expensive! Almost $5 more for the tests) and we headed home. I didn't tell John that I had gotten a pregnancy test so I just put a few of the toiletries I had bought away and he went into the bedroom on his laptop. I took out the test a bit skeptical and waited. As I waited I cleaned everything up and glanced. I thought for sure I saw a negative result and I was like, “Oh, well…next time, hopefully.” But I quickly glanced again and couldn't believe it. It was the weirdest feeling knowing that I AM PREGNANT!! I just could not wrap my head around it. I squealed a little bit and then was trying to think of a clever way to tell John. I had had some ideas with Christmas presents if I was pregnant but those wouldn't work, obviously. So I just went to the door of the bedroom and just said, “Um, guess what? I’m pregnant.” He jumped from the bed and gave me a huge smile and hug. It was hugs and kisses and then we sat on the bed and I was just sort of in a trance. I really could not wrap my head around this. Really? Me? Pregnant? You mean there is something growing in me right now that will painfully come out in 9 months? WHhhaa?
We decided to wait for at least 24 hours. I’m such a blabber. Seriously, do not tell me things you want to keep secret for a little bit. We actually ooVooed my parents that same day and I kept myself quiet. I was super proud.. =). But during church John knew we had to tell our parents. It still hadn't sunk in so it was really odd to tell my parents the exciting news. I also knew I wanted to tell Melissa. She was so excited and I got to asking her a ton of questions. We talked for a good 30 minutes and then some more the next day. I then knew I wanted to tell Andrea, as well. She is so dear to me and I miss her so much. She is like a sister. She was super excited about it, too.

Even though it’s odd to think about I know that this baby will be loved and will be taken care of. I have a blessing growing inside of me and I cannot wait to meet him or her. It’s going to be a great year!