BabyFetus Ticker

Saturday, February 21, 2015

9 weeks

Symptoms: sluggish (naps every day after school from 20 minutes up to 4 hours), unmotivated (it's very difficult to get up and go to work--props to all you working mom-to-be out there), nausea, bursts of hunger, extremely thirsty, sore feet and upper back, lots of sneezing, moody. More a keen to smells. Last night we went to a baptism and the smell of baked cookies in the building was overwhelmingly delicious but no one else seemed to smell it and John looked...there were no cookies. =(

Cravings/Aversions: I actually ate my entire burrito from Costa Vida last night. I was so hungry! Cornbread, gingersnaps, Starbursts, salad, apples, fruit bowls (good thing I'm craving some healthy foods!). Still can't stand the thought of eggs or pancakes.

Best Moment(s) of the Week: On Wednesday I had my first prenatal appointment and ultrasound. I was so thankful John didn't have to work that day and that he could accompany me. I was really nervous. What if nothing was there? What if it were twins? These were questions that took over my thoughts. But after getting rushed to take the ultrasound, seriously I could barely understand what the technician wanted me to do but somehow I followed all her instructions, I was relieved to find that we are having one baby, and by the looks of it and the heartbeat, it's a healthy baby!

I've also been in a weird funk all week. Maybe it's because I had Monday off, and Wednesday morning off. But it's been really hard to get out of. Since I didn't work out a lot (actually...besides show choir choreography...I never worked out) before getting pregnant I can't do strenuous things. Today, though, I finally did some working out besides a short walk. I did some yoga! I absolutely love Yoga with Adrienne videos on YouTube. She makes it simple and fun for beginners and it's safe for me to do. There are also some free yoga and swim classes for pregos like me in the community, so I would hope to eventually check those out.

Our Little Caterpie (pr. cat-er-pea) is the size of a gummy bear, or a grape at week 9:

  • This is a milestone, our little one is no longer an embryo but now a fetus
  • Developing more distinct facial features, and all the organs and muscles and nerves are kicking into gear
  • Heartbeat can be heard
Like I mentioned before, Wednesday was my first ultrasound. It was so exciting to finally have this become a reality! Here's an ultrasound picture: 
Just a little gummy bear now =)

On Thursday, though, I threw up for the first time. It was not pleasant and made me not want go to school. I was already running late to work and just had to get it out before leaving. Thankfully it didn't happen during work! By now, though, all my students and principals know that I'm expecting and it makes me feel more at ease. But, is it bad that I'm just counting down the days til summer comes?? 

Apparently we have new neighbors....maybe...John and I think they're squatters...just kidding. We only think that because they showed up out of nowhere and neither of us saw a moving van. I haven't seen them either but I hear them and their car is parked outside. The husband (we think) is fixing up the place because we hear a lot of hammering and banging, and there's a wife and a toddler who cries and whines...a lot! Must be going through some terrible twos. That will be my life sooner than later. Haha.......Update: John just came back from Martial Arts and informed me that he saw them this morning...he said that there was two or three kids. That would make so much more sense due to the quantity of whining we hear. It's not just one! Bless her. We really need to introduce ourselves.

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