BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, February 9, 2015

Whaaaa??? Week 4

Saturday, January 17 

John and I have been trying off and on since March last year to get pregnant. A part of me was wanting it so bad right away while the other part of me was thinking it was probably not the best time because it would be so difficult to have a baby in the middle of the school year. So today as John was at martial arts and I was going about doing errands I knew that I just had to get a pregnancy test. I had received so many negative test results but I thought it was worth a shot. I had felt a little crampy like my period was about to start so I wasn't sure if I was really actually pregnant. I had also been to the ob-gyn earlier this week. So I was at ShopKo and bought the box with three tests just in case. I picked John up after running a few more errands (Walgreen’s is super expensive! Almost $5 more for the tests) and we headed home. I didn't tell John that I had gotten a pregnancy test so I just put a few of the toiletries I had bought away and he went into the bedroom on his laptop. I took out the test a bit skeptical and waited. As I waited I cleaned everything up and glanced. I thought for sure I saw a negative result and I was like, “Oh, well…next time, hopefully.” But I quickly glanced again and couldn't believe it. It was the weirdest feeling knowing that I AM PREGNANT!! I just could not wrap my head around it. I squealed a little bit and then was trying to think of a clever way to tell John. I had had some ideas with Christmas presents if I was pregnant but those wouldn't work, obviously. So I just went to the door of the bedroom and just said, “Um, guess what? I’m pregnant.” He jumped from the bed and gave me a huge smile and hug. It was hugs and kisses and then we sat on the bed and I was just sort of in a trance. I really could not wrap my head around this. Really? Me? Pregnant? You mean there is something growing in me right now that will painfully come out in 9 months? WHhhaa?
We decided to wait for at least 24 hours. I’m such a blabber. Seriously, do not tell me things you want to keep secret for a little bit. We actually ooVooed my parents that same day and I kept myself quiet. I was super proud.. =). But during church John knew we had to tell our parents. It still hadn't sunk in so it was really odd to tell my parents the exciting news. I also knew I wanted to tell Melissa. She was so excited and I got to asking her a ton of questions. We talked for a good 30 minutes and then some more the next day. I then knew I wanted to tell Andrea, as well. She is so dear to me and I miss her so much. She is like a sister. She was super excited about it, too.

Even though it’s odd to think about I know that this baby will be loved and will be taken care of. I have a blessing growing inside of me and I cannot wait to meet him or her. It’s going to be a great year!

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