BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, February 15, 2015

8 weeks

Symptoms: extremely tired, very gassy, more nauseated then last week but not yet thrown up! YAY!, diarrhea, I can feel my stomach muscles stretching, sore feet. Am I being too detailed in this? 

Cravings/aversions: soup (but everything turns out to be way too salty--eck...), Wheat Thins, Subway, ice cream sandwiches. Aversions to eggs and pancakes. 

Best moment(s) of the week: Having John take care of me today. He is such a blessing in my life. He didn't bother me at all while I slept the day away. I seriously slept the majority of the day. John also took me for a drive towards the Palisades. He drives there so often for work so I knew he didn't want to drive today but he did it anyways because he knew that I just wanted to get out and enjoy some nature. We only drove 30 minutes away from Idaho Falls which didn't get us very far but we were able to walk around a rest stop with some great views of the canyon. I should have taken some pictures. 

Our Little Caterpie is the size of a raspberry (all these fruit references make me want fresh fruit!): at week 8

  • I can't feel it yet, but he or she's moving those arms and legs like crazy! 
  • Our baby's fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and their tail (yes, it had one) is gone. 
  • Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.

Well, this week has turned out to be very interesting. On Tuesday, I came in a little burpy and icky to Bel Cantos. I had them all gathered in a circle to sing instead of their normal rows. They kept giving each other smiles and faces which I totally caught on what they were thinking. I didn't confirm their thoughts then, though. During a break, one of the girls had the guts to say, "Mrs. Davis. I wanted you to know why everyone is acting like this. They think you're pregnant." Like I said before, I cannot keep a secret. So I told them I was indeed pregnant but not to tell anyone yet because it was too early to. That changed quickly. On Wednesday there was a really unfortunate incident that I will not go into detail about but it left me super rattled and emotional. I had to go the restroom and Lisa (the high school secretary) happened to be there and I just starting balling about what had happened and let out that I was pregnant. She comforted me and said, "Welcome to the wonderful time of not being able to control your emotions." She later told my principal what had happened. Earlier I went in to see him to talk about the incident as well as go over my teacher evaluation. He congratulated me and went over some details on whether or not I was staying next year. I wasn't ready to tell him yet that we are moving to Washington. It was just too much for me in one day. But the evaluation went well! Anyways. I knew the word was going to spread quickly. People in Shelley being a small town and all. So I just let it out and let my middle schoolers and my 6th graders know. They were all super excited. A few said, "I knew it! Like three weeks ago!" Perceptive little buggers. Anyways. I told my Hobbs principal, but I haven't yet told the Stuart principal even though I am sure he has heard. 

On a different note and totally nonpregnancy related, the Idaho Falls Symphony performed their Cirque de la Symphonie concert this Friday and Saturday. We had acrobats and aerial performers perform while we played. It was an incredible experience! We played many exotic and a couple fun movie themes (Harry Potter and Hook). Our first performance was a Friday matinee where we performed for 1900 elementary kids. I have never performed for a more enthusiastic crowd. During the Hook theme there was a aerial silk performer who flew around the stage. There's this one part where the music swells restating the theme again at the end and he flies even higher than before and the kids were screaming! It made me want to cry (if I wasn't pregnant it would still make me want to cry). For me this is a performance I will always remember. 

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