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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 10 Here Come the Trials!

What a week it's been. I can't believe February is over tomorrow. Now, normally one would say that because it went by so fast..nuh uh. February seemed to never. end. It's been a hard month and I'm thankful for a March that will hopefully go by fast. I had a roommate once say that trials come in three. Well...I guess they did this month but doubled.

First came that awful breakdown several weeks ago with a student, then last Thursday was just a day of "I'm done!!!", then this week I ended up yelling at a parent (yikes! These pregnancy hormones are starting to get the better of me. Thankfully we resolved it and we didn't have to get administration involved), we got a notice from a debt collector on a stupid Old Navy card we had cancelled forever ago and had paid off (never ever get a card that deals with Synchrony Bank--ie Gap, Old Navy, Victoria Secret, etc etc--I've had my fair share of problems with them), and then this Thursday my principal decides to come in the last 10 minutes of class to do a short classroom walkthrough which didn't go so well because we worked our butts off for 80 minutes of the 90 minute class period. I normally take a break in between but decided to take it at the end that day. He said the students had low commitment and there was a negative learning culture...whatever. During the 10 minute nutrition break I started crying and panicking and didn't stop for 40 orchestra students are so amazing and understanding. One of them took over and told me to take as much time as I needed...but I still feel that kind of thing shouldn't happen. I was so embarrassed. I shouldn't be rendered useless by how certain people perceive me and I them....ok....well I want to say more things but during a blessing that John gave me that night I was given the counsel to see my principal as Christ would see him. It's going to be a challenge but I'm going to give it my best.

So you can say my first big symptom of the week is HOLY HORMONES!!!!

Symptoms: hormones in full swing, super tired, low energy, nausea, hungry, super thirsty but I can't drink a lot of water (any tips out there for getting enough fluids, plus water sometimes tastes disgusting), burping....I'm really getting sick of burping, coughing too.

Cravings/Aversions: fruits and veggies--strawberries, grapes, apples, carrots, brocolli, celery, yummy! It's probably why I've lost 5 pounds since getting pregnant...not wanting so much junk food. Although because of such a hard week I thought it would be okay to get me some oreos...nope..not ok. If you know me I LOVE oreos. I did eat them but let's just say there's still some left in my office at the middle school and I totally regretted every one of them. (1. they aren't here at home, 2. they're not even gone yet! 3. MIRACLE!) Yesterday John mentioned getting Japanese food. There are a couple places in town, we decided on Blue Hashi. Believe it or not there are some sushi that's safe for pregnant women--I asked. Of course, it has to be fully cooked. I had a roll called the Geisha--avocado, crab, cream cheese, tempura shrimp, unagi, and cucumber rolled in tempura flakes and topped with sweet soy. It also came with 2 cooked unagi sashimi. Unagi is eel and it is actually really good. John had pork tonkatsu which I tried one bite of and it was clear my taste buds hated it.

Best Moment(s) of the Week: Being with my middle schoolers. As loud and crazy as they are sometimes they make me laugh. One came up to me and said, "I learned something the other day... someone actually took the time to write out a viola concerto?! And it was famous!" young in his orchestra life and he gets viola jokes. And then yesterday I was wearing a green plaid button down with my hair up in a two day old bun. One of my students came in complimenting my hair, and the next student to come in said, "Mrs. Davis! You look like a leprechaun!" He meant it as a compliment. Haha. Love them. And then one of my violists who gives me a hard time was actually very respectful this week. That always makes my day.

Also finally going to see Meet the Mormons. On Sunday we went to the Idaho Falls Temple Visitor's Center and watched it. I also met the grandparents of a former student.

Our Little Caterpie is the size of a kumquat about 1.22 inches

  • Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
  • Her or his vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
  • Her or his fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
  • Plus, she or he's swallowing and kicking in there. (Can you believe it?!)
Neighbor update: We do have new neighbors and it's a mom and her 2 girls. They seem really nice. She moved from Shelley. We took some cookies over the other day and introduced ourselves. She has her hands full with those girls. 

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